**Using RetroArch Playlist Buddy to generate a working playlist for RetroNX on Windows.**
Set **Base ROM Path** to "sdcard letter:/path/to/roms"
Set **Playlist path to a Retroarch core** to "/retroarch/cores/switch/desired_core.nro". For example, to build a playlist for SNES games, set the path to "/retroarch/cores/switch/snes9x.nro".
Set **Local destination path** to "sdcard letter:/retroarch/cores/"
Deselect the option under Arcade Mode.
Select **Use forward slashes**.
From here, you can click next step. Build the playlist for the system you set as the "Playlist path to a RetroArch core". Repeat for all desired platforms. Sample photo for building Snes9x playlist. Be sure to replace "sdcard letter" with the drive letter assigned to your sd card in Windows.
Content can then be loaded from Load content > Collections > Desired system > Desired game.